Monday, January 31, 2011

We've Reach Critical Density

In the past two weeks, I've been on five dates with four different men (two first dates, one second date, and a fourth and fifth).  In addition to this, there are currently three other men who email me every day and/or call occasionally. 

And while each date, email, or phone conversation individually is fun and delightful, all-in-all, I'm getting a little tired of it.  It's so much WORK to juggle this many guys.  I mean just keeping them straight in my phone is a job.  I have to label them with titles like "Matt from the Wedding"  "Josh from Phoenix" "Thomas from Blood Bank" etc.  I mean, I already told you about it becoming necessary to number people.  Thankfully, Paul #1 and Paul #2 have both been disqualified from consideration now, so that simplifies things a bit.

I guess that's the update for now.  Of the seven men listed above, there is one I like slightly more than the rest, but not enough to stop dating everyone else.  Also of note, is the fact that I'm going to have to give the guy I've been out with five times the boot before too long.  However, apparently not before the two dates he's already booked me for this week.  He's such a super terrific guy, it's too bad he's not going to work out for me. 

Also of concern: Valentine's Day.  Eek.

1 comment:

  1. Dating is alot of work...they just don't tell you that part. Keeping stories straight, what you told one guy...accidentally mixing what they've told you up. You can do it!
