Friday, October 22, 2010

Seriously, raining.

Last night I went to an elaborate costume, murder mystery dinner party with a bunch of people I don't know.  It was an awesome set-up, not only because it was in a beautiful lodge in Park City, but also because during the coarse of the evening/day, I experienced a deluge of men such as I have never experienced before. 

First, I was distracted because the party was keeping me from talking to Boy I Really Like.

Second, because I had a date the next day with a boy who is not Boy I Really Like, and I was trying to decide if that was unfair to both of the boys. 

Third, because a guy I used to make out with but haven't spoken to in six months had randomly started calling, texting, and g-chatting me that day.

So that was the set-up. 

A few minutes after I arrived I was approached by a very handsome young man I had never seen before but inexplicably knew exactly who I was and was excited to meet me.  Turns out it was Peter, who has been on my "Potential Romantic Partner" list for several months.  We have four totally unrelated mutual friends and at least two of them have been trying to hook us up ever since my break-up.  Oddly, in the murder myster play (where all the guests have roles) he was cast as the man the lord of the manor was forcing me to marry against my will.  So it was hard to seperate life from art, but there was a lot of flirty interaction there.  That was a fun.  He seems like my type of guy, which was fun.

Then, during the party I get a voicemail from The Physicist, who I had written off because he hadn't called in three weeks.  Apparently, he'd like me to write him back in.

Next, I got a text message message from My Ex telling me that he'd broken it off with a girl he'd been dating.  Why would he bother to tell me that?  I'm not sure, but Boy I Really Like is convinced that he's trying to plan a comeback.  S.O.L. loser!  Still, it's good to know that he might be ruing the day he let me slip away.  Ha ha ha!

Throughout the evening, I was also constantly surrounded by the boy who was assigned to be my secret serf love.  He was definitely interested as manifested by the constant attempts at snuggling and  more so by the fact that he ran down a mountain to get my car as soon as I wanted to leave.

In hindsight, I realize that the Sheriff (role assigned in the play, not his actual profession) was around a whole lot and kept talking to me.  I didn't realize it at the time because I was busy texting (I gave up paying attention to the party after 2.5 hours), but whenever I looked up from my texting, he was there asking me about myself, etc.  So, maybe I missed an opportunity there, but that's okay. 

It was one of those days wonderful days when I felt like the world was my oyster and things were just lining up for me.  Because these things always happen once you decide to stop looking, which is pretty much where I am right now, which is very happy. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010


For the last several years I have noticed a deep and divisive gulf between the daters and non-daters of the world. Having spent the bulk of my life in the latter category, I have been interested in switching over. Moving across the country to start a new life helped: within two months I was dating a great guy (and in fact even had to cancel a date with someone else when we decided to become exclusive).  The great guy and I decided to get married but then I decided to breakup with him.  It was tough, but I see clearly now (three months later) that it was for the best. 

The breakup has skyrocketed me into the dater category. I think it's at least partially because I'm accustomed to being loved and adored and think it's par for course now.
That is part of the secret to being a dater-- expecting to be pursued and adored. The other part of the secret is not caring whether you date or not. When a guy stops calling or doesn't even start calling, a dater barely notices as she moves on with her fabulous life.

I like being a dater. I am meeting and being pursued by several totally awesome guys. I love getting to know them, and it's always wonderful to remember how many wonderful men there are out there.

But it is not without its difficulties. All sorts questions and problems come up. For example, what does one do when you're asked out by a guy your friend has a crush on? How do you get anything else done when you go out with two different guys in one weekened? Why does a nice, freedom-loving girl like me keep attracting socialists? Furthermore, how are you suppose to keep everyone straight when you go out with three different guys in one week ("Did we discuss whether you support BYU or U of U?" "Are you the one with nine brothers and sisters?" "Where did you grow up again?" and my all-time least-favorite thing to have to ask: "Have I already told you this story?")?

Once the dating karma is flowing, it seems men don't even have to be in my presence to sense it. For example, I received an email via facebook yesterday from a total stranger. Here's my favorite part: "Truth me told, all I can say is I have seen shooting stars and have been a witness to many a miracle, but never have my eyes beheld nor have my ears heard of such a beautiful heaven sent angel." I will not be replying to said email, but I think it proves my point.

Now as I move forward with being a dater, my challenge will be to remain cool, calm, collected, and somewhat nonchalant as various dating companions become more attractive to me and I begin to really want a particular one (or two) to keep calling, texting, and asking me out. I must remain calm and (at least for now) emotionally detached. And I must remember the third secret to being a successful female dater: it is all about me! I am the prize to be chased, not someone who sits around pining. Yes, this is very empowering. No wonder so many men are attracted to me these days.

So, the point of this blog is to chronical my dating adventures in an anoymous blog where my dates won't find them but I can report to my friends.  Hehehe.  I love being sneaky.